Mansfield Group of Advanced Motorists
IAM Roadsmart Official Provider - We make better drivers and riders

Prepare for The Advanced Driving Test

Every Associate is issued with a guidance sheet listing all the points to be observed during the run. The observer will mark each section as necessary so that progress can be monitored.

This Sheet is kept by the Associate for reference, so that they can practice as required, eliminating their faults between Observed runs.

When a Senior Observer considers the Associate is up to the required standard, arrangements are made for a pre-test check run with one of the Group's Chief Observers. When the Chief Observer is satisfied that the required standard has been achieved a Test date is booked with the IAM Examiner.

Preparation for the test with Group Observers is definitely worthwhile. Mansfield Group is proud of it's very high pass rate amongst Associates submitted for the Advanced Test through our Associates Scheme (about 98% against the national rate of 70%).

Associate Membership includes a copy of Institute handbook "HOW TO BE AN ADVANCED DRIVER " which Associates are encouraged to read and apply the techniques detailed in the book to their driving, Associates should also have a current copy of the HIGHWAY CODE.

If Associates are unable to attend the Sunday Guidance Sessions or they require more guidance, a list of Observers willing to give guidance at other mutually convenient times is available.

Thanks for visiting us. For more information about the Mansfield Group of Advanced Motorists' Website please visit this page,

Please make sure you prepare your car properly for the winter; you can find out what you need to do here and here

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